Watch the original viral video here!
These news outlets are just a few that covered the story. Click the image for more.
On May 1, 2017 I made the decision to come out to the players at Portland Community Football Club, a nonprofit soccer club I founded in 2013.
I asked one of the coaches to film the moment mostly for my own historical archives, as this was the first time in my 25 years of coaching that I was coming out to players that I coach. I had kept that part of my identity secret for fear of discrimination, retribution or abuse in the sports and coaching industry.
The result was the video going viral with over 100,000 views on YouTube in a month. I was interviewed by local, national and international news outlets. The support I received from around the world was astounding and little overwhelming. Since that moment I made a commitment to never be silent again about being a proud Queer, Transgender coach.